Some Notes for Smoke and PYRO
Learning PYRO in Houdini is not an easy task. Unlike the SOP, it is established based on the real physic model. For a better understanding of how PYRO works, We have to know what is behind the scene.
Learning PYRO in Houdini is not an easy task. Unlike the SOP, it is established based on the real physic model. For a better understanding of how PYRO works, We have to know what is behind the scene.
Recently I faced a problem when I was playing with the parenting of Geometry node in Houdini. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal at the beginning. However, the contents behind this node are much more than I expected.
内存管理是 C++ 最令人切齿痛恨的问题,也是 C++ 最有争议的问题,C++ 高手从中获得了更好的性能,更大的自由,C++ 菜鸟的收获则是一遍一遍的检查代码和对 C++ 的痛恨,但内存管理在 C++ 中无处不在,内存泄漏几乎在每个 C++ 程序中都会发生,因此要想成为 C++ 高手,内存管理一关是必须要过的。
该作业是在 Boolan 的 C++ 系列课程中遇到的,作业的内容主要涉及 C++ 中的各种类型对象在内存中是如何存储的概念。比起常见的作业实现,这个作业更偏理论;所以这里记载下自己的思路,以便于以后参考。